Eselverteilung in Äthiopien

Another 50 donkeys distributed to families in Ethiopia

This year, the tradition of distributing donkeys to needy families in Ethiopia was again upheld and filled with life. Thanks to the WaterFoundation, 50 more women are now the proud owners of such a useful beast of burden. The donkeys make the women’s and girls’ daily lives easier, which largely consists of fetching clean drinking Weiterlesen

Corona-Soforthilfe für Debre Birhan in Äthiopien

Corona emergency aid from the WaterFoundation for People in Ethiopia

Hygiene is particularly important during the Covid 19 pandemic and is an almost impossible challenge for people in regions with inadequate water supply. When our long-standing project partner Fekadu Aleka approached the board of the WaterFoundation with a request for support for the district town of Debre Birhan, Beate Grotehans and Robert Balthasar were immediately Weiterlesen

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