Eselverteilung in Äthiopien

Another 50 donkeys distributed to families in Ethiopia

This year, the tradition of distributing donkeys to needy families in Ethiopia was again upheld and filled with life. Thanks to the WaterFoundation, 50 more women are now the proud owners of such a useful beast of burden. The donkeys make the women’s and girls’ daily lives easier, which largely consists of fetching clean drinking water. Now the donkeys will take over this heavy task and transport the water from the springs to the village and – if the harvests turn out well – also carry agricultural produce to the market for sale.

Long-time cooperation partner Ethiopia Gospel Deliverance Church

The distribution campaigns have been taking place in Ethiopia for many years under the aegis of the Ethiopia Gospel Deliverance Church. Over 1000 animals have already been given new owners. Pastor Demeke Kebede (see photo above), who took over from the recently deceased Yemaneberehan Endale, is now the cooperation partner of the WaterFoundation. He buys the donkeys and, together with a shepherd, sees to it that the animals are equipped with a wooden carrying frame with which two 20-litre watercans each can be transported. They also bring the donkeys to the distribution points.

Ten donkeys each for women in Koka, Jima, Suse, Huruta and Woliso

The official handovers took place in May and June 2021. This time there were 10 donkeys each in the small villages of Koka, Jima, Suse, Huruta and in the area around Woliso. As always, the women were overjoyed and grateful, because in the region it is known that the good-natured beasts of burden change the lives of the families for the better.

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