
ETHIOPIA: Donkey distributions in fall 2023

Thanks to many small donations and donation runs such as those in Schorndorf, Schwäbisch Hall and the primary and secondary school in Waldram, the annual donkey distributions were able to take place as usual. A total of 54 donkeys, equipped with a protective blanket, carrying harness and water canisters, were distributed by Pastor Demeke to Weiterlesen

TANSANIA: Water pumps for 10,000 men and women are working again

Water pumps for 10,000 men and women are working again – training and sustainable maintenance models keep it that way In the summer of 2023, the project Pumps for Life (P4L) dealt with the repair of defective water pumps. Our project partner MSABI developed a sophisticated system to ensure that the pumps remain in good Weiterlesen


The sanitation project in Bilaa, Ethiopia, launched in 2021, is on the home stretch and will be successfully completed by the end of 2023. After interim difficulties due to the tense security situation in the project area, implementation has progressed in seven-league boots in recent months. The four toilet blocks being built at two schools Weiterlesen

SWAP – Safe Water Amhara Project started

On September 1, another project will be launched in Ethiopia. It is about resource and climate protection as well as sustainable access to clean water in the South-Gondar Zone in the Amhara region. 60,000 people will benefit from the project, which will run until 2026. Among other things, 200 defective pumps will be repaired and Weiterlesen

PERU: Water tank and sanitary facilities for Pucuta completed

Our project in the Peruvian highlands has been successfully completed. A large water tank was built at 3,000 meters above sea level, pipes were laid to the scattered farmhouses, the kindergarten, the elementary school and the community center at the church. All sanitary facilities (latrines and showers) have been completed and connected to the water Weiterlesen

Rich harvest in Tanzania thanks to CloudFisher fog collectors

The CloudFisher Mini fog collectors installed by the WaterFoundation in Tanzania for several schools are tiptop and a complete success. There is a lot of fog on the high plateau in the Babati region. So the water tanks, which were empty the night before, fill up in the course of a morning with a good Weiterlesen

Taking action against overuse of natural recources

Since August 2nd, we humans are living “on credit“ in 2023. This means that we use more resources than the earth can renew naturally in one year. #EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY The WaterFoundation is doing something about the overuse of natural resources and is planting 500,000 trees in Dirre Inchini (Ethiopia) by 2025. The first seedlings Weiterlesen


We are happy to announce the launch of our new project BECOMING STRONGER TOGETHER in Ethiopia! 460 women are supported to organize themselves in self-help groups in order to generate their own income. A prerequisite for this is access to clean water. Therefore, 2 springs are being tapped and 2 new shallow wells are being Weiterlesen

Bolivia: Successful handover of the CloudFisher plant to the population

The fog collector project in the Bolivian Andes, which started in September 2019, was successfully completed in March 2023 after some corona-related delays. Now the families and students in the remote regions of Pampagrande and Moro Moro have permanent access to sufficient clean drinking water. During an initial visit in September 2019, a multi-member team Weiterlesen

PERU: Monica Denomy visits the CloudFisher project in Santa Rosa

The WaterFoundation project that will positively change the lives of numerous families in an underserved region near Lima runs until 2025. The conditions are favorable. For dense fog regularly drifts over the hills of Santa Rosa, rising from the Pacific Ocean. Enough to set up 37 CloudFisher in the hills near the coast. These fog Weiterlesen

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