
More frequent and longer periods of drought, which are related to global climate change, cause wells in Ethiopia to dry up and the distances to water points to become longer and longer. The women and girls who suffer most are the ones who often have to walk for hours with heavy canisters, buckets or calabashes on their backs to get drinking water for their families. This ruins their health – and yet it is not enough to supply a family. On the other hand, those who have a donkey or camel as their water carrier no longer have to ruin their health by dragging water and come home with many times the amount of water. The excess water can be sold, shared with neighbours or used for food cultivation. The children can go to school instead of fetching water. Not infrequently, the four-legged friends contribute to the survival of the families.

In remote areas, where there are neither wells nor other water points and no drinking water supply is planned in the foreseeable future, the distribution of donkeys and camels is intended to make life easier for the weakest: elderly people living alone, widows with children and particularly poor families. Those who receive a donkey or a camel will also receive medication to treat the animals for worms.

The village of Sire in the province of Arsi in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia Gospel Deliverence Church – Children and Youth Help Association; Pastor Yemaneberhan Endale.
ORA International Germany e.V.

A donkey in Ethiopia costs 150 Euro, including bridle, harness and water container.

ORA International Germany e.V.

Purchase and distribution are possible at any time. The donkeys are bought at a nearby Sunday market and are being distributed to families who do not yet own a donkey. An election committee registers each new donkey owner.

Henner Lang

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